Solar Maintenance

Solar panels last upwards of 40 years, lighting your home and running your appliances, including your pool and water heaters. If you use plenty of electricity, these panels can save you more than 50% on monthly utility bills by supplying your residence with free, natural fuel rather than non-renewable fossil fuels.

However, without seasonal solar maintenance in Atwater, your solar system may create less energy, taking longer for the unit to pay for itself. Rather than rely more on your utility suppliers, count on Cosmic Comfort in Atwater, Merced, and surrounding California areas.

Why Call for Solar Maintenance

When rays hit your rooftop or ground-mounted solar energy system, their photon particles free electrons within the solar cell. The current passes through the panel layers, finding the circuit, but only absorbed electrons power your home. If your panels are dirty or shaded, they won’t absorb much, limiting your energy output.

You’ll also need a solar service to determine your panels’ conditions. Especially as their lifespans near their ends, you’ll need assurance your wiring is secure and not exposed or damaged.

When to Call for Regular Checks

If you can see your system’s surface, you’ll notice the following requiring solar maintenance in Atwater:

  • Debris: Dirt, dust, droppings, and other particles build up over the glass surface. Larger items like fallen tree branches, heavy leaf fall in the autumn, and plastic bags and other man-made products also block sunlight from the panels.
  • Damaged panels: The panels’ tempered glass surface protects against regular wear. However, constant shifts of extreme temperatures eventually cause cracking, reducing your system’s performance.
  • Wiring issues: Loose, frayed, or faulty wiring affects how the panels produce and move electrons. Because they usually occur within the panels, you need a professional to point them out.

Still, the most obvious sign of a panel issue without looking at the panel surface is higher utility bills. After having panels for a while, you’ll notice lower costs, but if those prices are rising again, something may be affecting the flow of natural energy.

What Solar Panel Maintenance Requires

When you call for solar panel maintenance, the experienced technicians will first wipe off dirt, snow, and other blockages. After cleaning your panels, they’ll:

  • Inspect the panels. While rare cracks require replacing, getting your solar panels cleaned takes care of the stuck-on mess and other imperfections without added expenses. We’ll also determine whether you need critter guards so smaller animals like squirrels won’t nest underneath.
  • Check the electrical output and connection between panels to ensure a good flow of energy.
  • Prepare your panels for the upcoming season, especially harsher or darker ones like fall and winter.
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