Whole House Fans

Forget Hot Sleepless Nights

As the weather heats up in California, your home gets hot and stuffy too. Even though the night air feels great outside, inside your home its a hot sticky mess. Keep cool and stop dreading the electric bill after we help you flip that problem on its head!

Cool With Fresh Outside Air

You need a way to pull cool morning or evening air into your house. A whole house fan does exactly that! Pulling in air through open windows, the musty, stale, warm air is replaced with cool, fresh air in minutes. This extends the time before you must turn the a/c on. With a whole house fan used the right way, you will save on energy and maintain a cool home throughout the summer heat.

How does a Whole House Fan work?

A whole house fan is used anytime it’s cooler outside than inside. To instantly feel refreshed, just open a few windows and turn on the fan! Cool outside air is pulled through the home and pushed out the attic. For best results, run the fan on low for 6-8 hours at night. This cools the heat soaked structure of your home and sets you up for a fresh new day.

Burn dinner? Forget to take out the trash? A QuietCool whole house fan exchanges the air in your home in just 4 minutes, making quick work of odors like these.

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Viruses, allergens, germs, pet dander- are you more protected from these things inside your home?You may think of outside air as “Dirty” but actually your home builds up irritants from cleaners, chemical off gassing from plastic products, and more. The American Lung Association says the air inside your home is 2 to 5 times more polluted than the outdoor air.Running a whole house fan clears the polluted air out of your home and replaces it with fresh outdoor air.

Smart Attic Fan

Attic fans keep your attic safe and your attic cool and ventilated all year long. An attic fan can save you up to 30% on your A/C cooling costs by just cooling your attic space. They allow you to cool and ventilate the largest portion of your home that A/C doesn’t reach. This process of cooling and ventilating your attic allows your home to stay cooler, longer because it is no longer working against your attic which can get up to 160ºF. An attic fan not only works to keep your attic cooler but it also keeps your home safe from humidity and heat damage!

Solar Attic Fan

Solar gable attic fans work by using sunlight to power the fan’s motor to help prevent any heat or moisture build-up in your attic. Your attic can reach temperatures of up to 150 ºF which can destroy the integrity of your home as well as completely destroy your roof because of the humidity and moisture build-up. Because of this, solar attic fans can prolong the life of your roof structure and air conditioning while helping you save up to 30% on A/C costs.

Garage Fan

Garage Whole House Fans keep your garage cool and ventilated all year long. A Garage Whole House Fan operates on just a few pennies per hour, so don’t expect a high electric bill. Garage whole house fans allow you to cool and ventilate the largest portion of your home that A/C doesn’t reach. This process of cooling and ventilating allows your garage to stay cooler, longer because it is no longer working against your attic which can get up to 160 ºF.

Hire an Electrician From Cosmic Comfort

For more information about high-quality electrical repair in Atwater, CA, call 209-222-3161 and request a free quote from Cosmic Comfort today.

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